I have always considered graffiti to be vandalism created by criminals until I began to see things differently and question, what is art? Whilst some graffiti is offensive and basically not necessary or nice to look at, some is quite cool. What would a skate park be without individuals creating art to give the place some character? Some places would just be dull and boring without graffiti.
Some graffiti has also had political importance over the years such as the painting created on the sides of houses in different communities in Ireland. Such graffiti could be considered dangerous and a cause of divisions between communties. But it is now a part of Ireland's history, and a very interesting part at that.
There is also the issue of physical danger the graffiti artists put themselves in when they are tagging high buildings. Only recently there was a story in the news about a suspected graffiti artist who fell from a building injuring himself. Are these graffiti artists being selfish to their families by risking climbling high buildings or should they be allowed to enjoy their hobby?
I am interested to know what other people think.
A link about the history and development of graffiti.
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