Most people I know own or have owned a countefeit cd or dvd. It is a fact of life, if someone is selling a copied version of something you want for cheaper than the original, you will go for the copied version, even though you know it is illegal. Is this being bad?
Although it is illegal, many people still believe it is fine to buy copied versions of cds and other such items. Why is this? I think it is because people just don't want to pay such ridiculously high prices for things produced by celebrities who they can see already have too much money. The working class person can often not afford to buy original versions.
Another issue here is the way in which people illegally download films rather than going to the cinema. Once again, I think this is because the cinema is just so expensive for what you get. If it was a better experience or better value for money, people would go to the cinema.
Whilst I can understand why counfeit goods are illegal, I can also understand why people want to pay less for a copy or download. Perhaps if the music (and others) industry lowered prices and offered better valur for money, counterfeit goods would not be a problem.
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