Thursday, 19 April 2007

Response to Kerene's Blog about being too religious

Whislt I appreciate Kerene's view and understand that she is very religious herself, I do not agree with her view that being too religious should not be frowned upon.
Reading Kerene's blog got me thinking about how I conduct myself in life. I came to the conclusion that I do not want to run my life based around what religion tells me. I want to conduct my life based around the morals I have been brought up with and taught by my parents.
It is my view that while being religious is often a positive thing, it is all too often dangerous and 'used' by people who claim that they act diabolically in the name of their religion. I do believe in God, although I do not go to church. In think it is much better to treat people with respect and in a way I would like to be treated in my everyday life, than to go through life preaching to others about how they should behave. If I treat others in a good way then I am serving God in the best possible way. I don't think you have to go to church or to any place of worship to be a good person. I think it is better to base your life around being a good person and having a high level of morals than to base it around going to church and being religious.

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