This is quite an easy blog for me as I am very clear that drugs are BAD! I understand that people who become involved in drugs may find it extremely difficult to get away from that way of life and it is important to remember that not every case is the same. However, I do not sympathise with people who take or deal in drugs. Everyone has freedom of choice, everyone can say no. And if they don't then it is their own stupid fault for becoming involved.
I might be seen as being quite narrow-minded on this matter, but for me, it is simple, drugs are illegal and very dangerous. If a person has any respect for themselves and their family, they will stay away from drugs all together. The upset and sorrow drugs can cause is immense. People who bring drugs into Britain and give/sell them to others can be classed as murderers in my view. Too many youngsters become involved in drugs and then further crime, ruining their lives and bringing heartache to their families.
I do not believe the arguments drug takers put forward about how they became involved in drugs, these are just excuses. As I have said, everyone has a choice.
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