In my opinion, smoking is a disgusting habit. I have never tried smoking and never will. What is the point? It stinks, rots your teeth and your lungs, turns your skin yellow and wastes loads of money. Think of the things people could buy with all the money they give to tobacco companies in order to slowly kill themselves. I do not find smoking attractive or cool and hate it when people smoke around me. I can accept it in pubs and clubs, because for many, smoking is a social thing and they are out socialising. However, people who smoke at bus stops are vile! When I am waiting for a bus into town, I do not expect or want someone to breathe smoke in my face, therefore damaging my innocent lungs.
Whilst these are my opinions about smoking and smokers. It is not for anyone to force people to stop smoking, it is after all freedom of choice. HOWEVER, I do not want to die from a disease caused by inconsiderate people choking me with their smoke!
It was my aim in this blog to be objective and to give suggestions for both sides of this debate but my finger tips and my very strong opinions got in the way and I have simply ranted.
If you agree with me, you will also agree with Kiri Horne. See
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