I didn't know what to expect when I went into the Lighthouse cinema to watch Kids, a film made in 1995 that was banned and caused uproar and controversy everywhere it went. I was shocked at the beginning of the film when it showed two people I would consider to be children having sex. The film went on to show lots of behaviour that could be considered bad such as; drug taking, violence, vulgarity, theft, sex and rape. I think what was so shocking for me was the age of the actors in the film, they were very young, of an age I would class as children.
However, I think it was the intention of the writers and directors of the film to produce something that would act as an eye-opener to adults and parents everywhere. I think many parents are unaware of the things their children get up to and the danger they put themselves in.
I think the film also highlights important issues to youths too. These include safe sex and sexually transmitted diseases, and the dangers of alcohol and drugs. It showed a girl who had sex with one boy and still caught H.I.V. It is important that many young people see this film because it acts as an eye-opener to this audience as well.
The way the film producers have portrayed this behaviour not necessarily as bad, but as dangerous is an important factor in the way a young audience would receive the message behind the film.
Kids was made to shock, and although I do not think it is suitable for children, I do think it conveys an extremely important message for young people and their parents everywhere.
This link takes you to some interesting comments made by Larry Clark, the maker of Kids:
And for a profile of Larry Clark:
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