Saturday 24 March 2007

Response to Blair Cumming's Blog about Smoking
"Banning smoking is the 'Bad' factor. Who knows what is next to be banned...alcohol? drugs? bad language? We just don't know but once we go down this path it shall be difficult to return..."

I cannot understand how someone can say that the bad part of this issue is the fact that smoking is being banned in public places. The ban will save the lives of smokers (who may cut down or stop smoking all together when the ban comes into force) and non-smokers (who are forced almost everyday to breathe into their pure lungs someone's rotten, poisonous smoke!).

A smoking ban can only bring good news for the NHS who have enormous pressure placed on them through smokers causing their own illnesses. In my view, the NHS should concentrate on those patients who have tried to look after themselves and do not deserve to be ill. I think smoking IS as bad as alcholism and drug taking because it is just as addictive and bad for your health.

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